We Can Remain In Rather Than Just Visit The Presence Of God!

“If you obey my commands you will remain in my love,
just as I have obeyed my Father’s commands
and remain in his love”

(John 15:10).

It is obedience to God’s Word and whispers that aligns our lives to the ever-flowing stream of God’s love.  What a blessing that we have been provided the way to remain in rather than just visit the presence of God!

It is when we abide with God that we know what he is up to and can join him in what he is saying and doing.  From this position it makes perfect sense why Jesus would promise us;

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you,
ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you” (v. 7).

And it is no wonder that such an abiding life is a truly fruitful life.  What an awesome reality that God delights in answering the prayers and revealing his secrets to those who abide.  Jesus calls such people his friends (v. 15).  Jesus goes on to say that as his friends he has appointed us “to go and bear fruit – fruit that will last” (v. 16).

Jesus here is describing for us the truly blessed life.  In summary, it is people who abide who bear much fruit.  They bear fruit because they remain connected to the true vine where the supernatural sap flows strong and penetrates deeply.  One remains connected to the vine as they obey the Word and whispers of God.  This obedience leads to alignment to the ever-flowing stream of God’s love.  Those who give themselves over to the abiding life are called the friends of God, and the friends of God have a guaranteed destiny to bear much fruit – fruit that will last. Now that’s a blessed life!

This is the life I want for myself and for the people I have the privilege to serve and lead.  God, please grace me to continually embrace this life.  Grant me greater wisdom to cast a compelling vision of what Jesus has made possible. and then empower me to equip the envisioned to go for it!

I always appreciate feedback to my blog posts.  Do you have a comment, question or a testimony related to the theme of this entry?

All the best!

About Bill Randall

I am a full time missionary with Novo Mission, which is a band of creative missionaries sent to multiply movements of the gospel and mobilize the church for that mission around the world. I serve on the Novo Lead Team as the Director of the Gospel Movement Teams division. bill.randall@novo.org
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4 Responses to We Can Remain In Rather Than Just Visit The Presence Of God!

  1. Karen Anliker says:

    As always, much nourishment to my soul. Your blog today fits very well with what I read earlier today on the RK website (under the Worship section) “The Supreme Value of Worship”

    Both your blog and this article inspire me to be more consistent in my own personal “‘One on One time” with the Lord.

    “It is people who abide who bear much fruit.” My desire is to always remain connected to the True Vine.

    Blessings, Karen


  2. MP says:

    Hey Bill, I’m so glad you are our pastor… leading us into a fresh sense of God’s abiding presence. Love, Myra


  3. Deb says:

    I have always loved the idea of abiding instead of just visiting. You have articulated it beautifully, as always. Thanks for your words and for the truth they contain. They remind and motivate me . . .


  4. anjuli says:

    I LOVE your blog. Read it “religiously”! And every time I do, I am blessed with kingdom revelation. Keep it up!!


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